Teaching physiology in lockdown

A steep learning curve ‘Go home, stay there, and put your teaching online from Monday’.  Here is 6 weeks of my diary following this email from line managers. WEEK 1 Entry 1. My ‘Pathophysiology of Hypertension’ workshop scheduled for Monday 0900 is out, but what should I replace it with…? Feedback indicates my face-to-face sessions… Continue reading…

A Vaccine for COVID-19?

All over the world, people are locked into their homes wondering when they will next be able to sit in a cinema or hug the people they love. Who is putting together a rescue plan? I’m sure that people are wishing for one that might enable us all to get outdoors and back to work?… Continue reading…

Lockdown fever

I guess I’d be lying if I said that I never complain. Or grumble. Or whine. We all do it. Life gets us down a bit – we have a little grumble; things don’t quite turn out as we expected them to – we moan a bit; people don’t do what we expected them to… Continue reading…

Stress management in lockdown

In the strange new world of lockdown, the line between work and home is so thin and blurred as to be barely perceptible. It’s time to step beyond feeling stressed about it put our well-being first. Long hours sitting still looking at screens are taking their toll; the kind of stress that drains us of… Continue reading…