
Parliamentary launch of physiology impact study

Laura was delighted to be invited to the Parliamentary launch of the first independent analysis of the impact of physiology education to the UK economy*.

Physiology education contributes a staggering £22.6 billion every year. More than 777,000 jobs every year in the UK depend on physiology learning (based on data from 2018-19). At least a further £8 billion savings are made to the public purse because of the work of graduates who have learned physiology as part of their degree.

Physiology is the science of life and sound, evidence-based knowledge of the body systems, their interactions and what happens in disease is important for patient care, recovery and rehabilitation. The importance of physiology learning for health sciences has often been overlooked in the past, but the ways in which physiologists and other health scientists rose to the challenge thrown at us all by pandemic SARS-Cov-2 (covid 19) has highlighted their central role for the infrastructure of the UK economy and for recovery. The report includes case reports written by Laura and which focus on approaches to teaching physiology to students in the School of Health Sciences at University of East Anglia (UEA).

*The economic analysis was carried out by Emsi Burning Glass for the Physiological Society and Academy of Healthcare Sciences.It highlights the key roles of many graduates for whom physiology learning is an essential, core component of their studies. The range is broad and varied, including nursing and the allied health professions, therapies, medicine, dentistry, psychology, pharmacy, clinical physiology, immunology and other biomedical sciences.

You can read more about this report, which was published on 6th June 2022, here.

Photo: with a local MP Clive Lewis.

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